Air Max 1 - Animal Pack
We present to you the Air Max 1 Animal Pack. This animal pack consists of a red and blue variant. The shoebox is made from wood and contains the various animal prints on it. More info will be provided later in this blog. This animal pack will be released on September 9. As usual, our members will get a day earlier acces to buy.
We think the Air Max 1 OG Animal is a real classic. That’s why we choose to release them in two new variants: red and blue. We owe this color scheme to Hirofumi Kojima, the director of the sneaker store Atmos. He came up with the idea to apply an extreme color scheme to an Air Max 1. It goes without saying, but the zoo was his source of inspiration. The red color originally comes from the fact that some animals are carnivores. Of course, green is the opposite and stands for the herbivorous animals.
The animals prints that we used for our red version are: leopard, zebra, cheetah and tiger.
The blue swoosh version is something different than the ‘common’ animal theme sneakers. We used white animal prints and added a blue hair on leather swoosh. The white variant can therefore also be seen as the Snow Leopard variant.
The animals prints that we used for Snow Leopard version are: leopard, zebra and cheetah.
Picture from RareGallery
Probably the most interesting thing about this animal pack is the custom made wooden shoebox. So we're definitely going to talk about this, now actually. Unboxing video first:
Dimension of the custom made wooden shoebox is 65cm x 40 cm x 17cm (25,6” x 15,7” x 6,7“). The inside of the shoebox is lined with black suede. The lid also has a black suede layer with a gold VIJZ logo. The lid is attached to the shoebox with magnets.

The used animal prints are incorporated on the sides of the shoebox: tiger, leopard, zebra and cheetah.
As usual we show you some pictures of the making process of this Air Max 1 Animal Pack.